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Welcome to the Rotary Club of Sleaford

Information for New Members

We are always ready to welcome new members.


Meetings are held every Tuesday, starting at 12.30pm for 12.45pm.

The 1st and 3rd Tuesdays are the formal speaker / business meetings, whilst the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays take on a more informal approach, giving an opportunity for fellowship and a forum for committee meetings to take place.

The meeting starts with a ‘Grace or a ‘Thought for the Day’ (available from the Secretary) and there is a loyal toast after the meal. The meeting ends with a toast to ‘Rotary and Peace the World Over’.

Attendance and apologies:

Although the Club meets weekly, the club understands that due to work commitments attendance may be sporadic. Just attend when you can.  


Approximately once a year, you will be asked to find a speaker for the meeting. It is your choice who you invite. The Club will pay for the speaker’s meal but you will be host to the speaker that day and probably buy their drink for them. Speaker’s are asked to finish their talk by 1.55pm. You may choose to do a ‘Job’ talk about yourself instead.

The cost of Rotary:

The annual subscription is £130.

Members are encouraged to make an annual voluntary donation to Rotary Foundation (Rotary’s Charity). 

Rotary is a service club ‘Service above Self’ and there are plenty of volunteering opportunities. 

Dress code:

Dress code is casual. Jeans are permitted.

You can get involved as much as you feel able to but REMEMBER it is: Family, Work, Rotary. 

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