The Rotary Club of Sleaford

Children of Courage Awards
Children of Courage Awards

Five local students who have battled against illness,disability and personal tragedy were honoured and applauded for their determination to overcome their setbacks at a "Children of Courage Award" ceremony organised by the Rotary Club of Sleaford in a joint venture with the Rotary Club of Sleaford Kesteven,held in the Masonic Rooms Sleaford.
At a special luncheon,caterering by Bites to Banquets, an audience of over eighty, comprising of proud parents, civic dignitaries, teachers, Rotarians and their guests could not help but be moved by the stories of the courage described and told by the teachers involved from St George's and the Kesteven and Sleaford High School Academies.
Each nominee received a silver plaque and certificate to mark the occasion and Rotarian Ken Billington, Governor District 1070, in closing this inaugural event said how humble but how proud he had felt in listening to the heart breaking experiences faced by these young people who were a credit to their families and their schools in showing such determination to overcome their difficulties. It had been a privilege to present the awards.